Friday, April 3, 2020

E-Book: How to Learn More From One

E-Book: How to Learn More From OneMany people who want to learn something from an E-Book may wonder if it's the best choice. If you're still stuck with a lot of doubts and questions then, you are not alone. There are still a lot of people who doubt if this form of learning can really work or if it is a good idea. But with a little effort, you can surely learn a lot from an E-Book.EBooks are the most convenient ways to learn. It allows you to learn without leaving your house. You don't have to worry about your internet connection because it is installed in your laptop. The things that you will learn from an E-Book are very effective and practical so it would be a good choice for you if you wish to learn something new or sharpen your skills.EBooks are also very helpful to those who need to know something about their jobs or from the different job sectors. These are useful for those who need some knowledge about their daily routines, jobs and industries. Most of the eBooks are about how things are done and how they should be done and they provide such detailed and useful information that you'll definitely learn a lot from these.EBooks can help you even if you're a parent, teacher or employer. For example, if you are a parent, an E-Book would definitely help you a lot if you are trying to coach your child on the right way to behave in school. Some E-Books give step by step instructions for how to properly handle an angry child who has a temper.E-Books also are used as a basic course for those who want to learn about the basics of business. They allow you to quickly read more about different topics and if you find that you don't understand anything at all, then you can always go back to the book again to clarify what you've read. EBooks can also help you if you need some counseling or advice from a therapist. The counseling you get from an E-Book is also helpful because you'll be able to review the reading materials you have read so you won't forget anything.Lastly, if you need to learn the basics about something that's not very easy to learn, an online instruction program may be the best choice for you. The online program will let you go through a detailed explanation and analysis about the topics that you want to learn.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Get Your Child Excited About Singing Classical Music

How to Get Your Child Excited About Singing Classical Music Sign up successful First, don’t worry! Sometimes all it takes is sitting down with your child and looking at things from a different perspective. Music, after all, is a timeless way to not only enrich our children, but also connect with them! Here are some tips to do just that: Listen to the Music (oh yeah!) Before lessons begin, take some time to listen to music that has pieces of classical and rock in them.  Electric guitars that play with opera singers can be very cool to listen to!  Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift can sound great with piano but they can also sound totally amazing with violin. Other examples are Queens Bohemian Rhapsody”  and Barcelona” by Freddy Mercury and Montserrat Caballé. The latter  has a lot of fireworks and huge drums watch it below: Lacrymosa by Evanescence is another great example, based on the Lacrimosa movement from Mozarts Requiem. There are so many amazing examples when you really look and listen! Continue looking for songs like these to give your child a taste of classical songs. Talk about the Tunes After listening to music like this, try chatting about it! You don’t have to be a Puccini expert to do this. Ask questions like: “Wow, so what did you think of that guitar solo?” and What if you were to add some drums in that part of song, how do you think that would sound?” Sometimes a few casual questions can lead to some really amazing conversations, and the idea of studying and singing classical songs wont seem as archaic. Listening and finding a way to relate classical music to your childs interests can really make a huge difference. Active listening goes a long way in the classroom, but it also makes a huge difference when introducing a new activity. If you haven’t signed up for singing lessons  yet, go forth and give it a shot find out how much Brahms and Bohemian Rhapsody can enrich your child’s life! Jennifer V. teaches singing and music performance in Pittsburgh, PA.  She received her Bachelors degree from West Virginia University, a Master of Music degree and Artist Diploma from Duquesne University, as well as a Certificate of Contemporary Vocal Pedagogy from Shenandoah Universtiy. Learn more about Jennifer V. here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Electric Images

Friday, March 6, 2020

40 Tips to Help you Relax and De-Stress

40 Tips to Help you Relax and De-Stress De-Stress Your Life With These Tips From a Yoga Teacher ChaptersFood and Drink to Help Fight StressMeditation as a Means of Relaxing and Letting Go of StressPhysical Relief for Tension and StressChanging Your Environment to Fight StressExerciseFun and CreativitySmellsOpen Up to Others and Have FunThe Importance of De-StressingWhen you’re feeling tired and stressed, what better than a lovely week-end by the sea to calm your nerves.But not many can afford to go away every week-end.Fortunately for you, we have tried 40 ways to relax and ease stress in only five minutes or less.From sipping tea to advanced relaxation techniques: here is everything you need to know about de-stressing.Find out about the different classes in yoga near done by Dr. Harry Levi Hollingworth in 1939: chewing calms you down and helps you relax at work.Meditation as a Means of Relaxing and Letting Go of StressNo need to retire to an isolated mountaintop - five minutes of peace suffice to reap the benefits of meditation.Find a comfortable space somewhere calm and concentrate on your breathing.A helpful app for meditation is HeadSpace.6. Pillow your head on something softThere are days when you really, really need a nice, long nap.But snoring away in the middle of the office is not always possible.But if you have a small pillow or cushion with you, you are halfway on the path to relaxation.Try out this visualisation technique: put your head on the pillow and imagine that the cushion is a sponge soaking in all your troubles.7. Don’t forget to breatheWhat easier way is there to relax?Breathe to chase the stress away!Deep, slow breathing can help lower your heartbeat and blood pressure.Try pranayama, a yoga breathing technique that works by breathing through one nostril at a time to help reduce tension. This technique is said to work similarly to acupuncture and helps balance mind and body.8. Try progressive relaxationAnxious?  Tense, relax and repeat.Progressive relaxation involves tensing the muscles in one part of the body at a time, t hen releasing them before moving on to the next set of muscles.This method (used by some well-known actors) is a marvelous way to help you get to sleep.9. Counting - yes, countingNo, it’s not a maths test, but a way of calming down and relaxing.If you are haunted by worries and stress, try to slowly count up to 10.Repeat as necessary.10. Use creative visualisationYour doorbell rings. It’s Ryan Gosling (or Elizabeth Banks) and he/she wants to know how soon you two can get married.“Right away!” you cry out, and then… Sorry, time’s up.This sort of little daydream, called a “creative visualisation”, involves thinking of something that makes you happy.It’s a shot of instant good humour that chases stress away!11. Close your eyesOne of the easiest ways to find your calm and re-focus your concentration. It may seem silly, but it is, in fact, a good way to de-stress and relax.Physical Relief for Tension and Stress12. Massage your handsHand massages are particularly useful for those who spend a lot of time typing at a computer.Generally speaking, hands accumulate a lot of our tensions and stress.Apply some massage lotion and start kneading the base of the muscle underneath the thumb to relax your shoulders, neck and scalp.13. Try acupressureAcupressure is a tactile therapy that works by balancing the circulation of fluids and energies in the body.It is rooted in the fundamental theories of traditional Chinese medicine.Use the thumb and index finger of one hand to massage the zone between the thumb and index finger of the other.For an additional calming effect, use lavender oil.14. Use a golf ball to massage your feetLeave your clubs at home - you only need the ball.This will give you a small moment of relaxation and will help soothe accumulated tensions in the muscles and joints.15. Squeeze a stress ballOn those days when you want to strangle a colleague or that one motorist on your way to work, squeeze the life out of a stress ball instead.It’s an easy, portable and non-violent way to soothe aggravation.Stress balls can help with aggressive feelings and lower your stress levels. Photo credit: Amy McTigue via Visual Hunt16. Pour a drop of cold water on your wristsWhen stress attacks, go to the restroom and dab some cold water on your wrists and behind your ears.Some of the main arteries of the body run just underneath the skin there, and cooling down those zones can help relax the body.17. Brush your hairEven if you have already given your hair its hundred strokes for the day, repetitive movements such as running a brush through your hair, doing the dishes or knitting can help the body relax.Changing Your Environment to Fight Stress18. Take some alone timeNot everyone needs (or has) a cabin in the woods, but five minutes of alone time will help you gather your thoughts and clear out your mind.Simply isolate yourself in a quiet room.19. Create a Zen ZoneHiding in a bathroom stall to be alone may not sound calming, but maybe you can find or make a place entirely free from stress where you can go to relax. Install a comfortable chair if you can or simply light a stick of incense and disappear for a few minutes until the tension dissipates.20. Find some sunDaylight can be an effective treatment for people suffering from depression and can also help healthy people de-stress.The visible light spectrum of sunlight plays a role in the production of a hormone called melatonin, which helps to regulate our biological rhythm and influences our mood.21. Look out the windowNo, don’t start spying on your neighbours.But looking at a spot of nature - a public park or just the trees across the street - can be a lot more relaxing than staring at a screen.Looking out the window can help you relax by re-focussing your thoughts. Photo credit: Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 26 Million views) via Visual hunt22. Get organisedTake a few minutes to re-organise your office (or cubicle, or desk, or whatever your workplace is), leavi ng out only what you need for your current task.Start by bringing order to your environment before you can order your thoughts. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsExercise23. Practise yogaYogis will all tell you: “A yoga session leaves me feeling really good and relaxed!”Not only does it stretch your body, but it also helps create peace of mind.Learn how yoga can help you lose weight, or how yoga lessons could help you get a better nights sleep! Yoga has even been shown to help peo ple get pregnant!24. StretchStanding up for a quick stretch can soothe tense muscles and help you relax during a stressful work day.Why not try out a shoulder or breast stretch right in your office chair?25. Jog in placeJogging in place is good for a short-term endorphin rush.This is one exercise you can do anywhere - don’t worry, looking ridiculous never hurt anybody!26. Take a brisk walkOutdoors + physical activity = a sure-fire recipe for relaxation!It’s main advantage: it costs nothing.Fun and Creativity27. Write your emotions down in a journal“Dear Diary: I was stressed today.”Putting your emotions down in black on white can make them seem less intimidating.28. Listen to your favourite songListening to music can be a quick solution for bad humour.Classical music is particularly relaxing before going to bed - several scientific studies confirm this.Studies done on the psychological effects of music show that music affects our parasympathetic nervous system, our organismâ €™s natural protector. It keeps its twin, our sympathetic nervous system, from overreacting.29. DanceOnce the music’s playing, get your rhythm on! People feel less anxious after several months of modern dance classes - but if that’s not your style, five minutes of salsa probably work just as well.30. Do crossword puzzlesAn 8-letter word for: anxious, hassled, tense.When you are thinking and concentrating on something, you forget everything else.Smells31. FlowersReally, stop and smell them. Certain smells can help change our mood and its difficult to feel angry or upset with a nose full of roses.A study has revealed that flowers have an immediate impact on mood and lower depression. For example, people eat more slowly when flowers are on the table.32. AromatherapyIt only takes a minute to put a few drops of lavander, tea-tree or another essential oil onto the palm of your hand and inhale it. It’s a soft medicine (inherited from the Egyptians) that has come back into fashion.33. Citrus fruitsCitrus scents can help you relax by raising the levels of norepinephrine, a hormone linked to stress.34. CoffeeWake up and smell your latte. Merely the smell of coffee can help reduce stress hormone levels.Do try not to burn your nose.Open Up to Others and Have Fun35. Spend some time with a petPets can help stimulate self-esteem and curb feelings of social rejection.A nice cuddle with a pet can make stress melt away. Photo via Visual Hunt36. LaughWhile laughing may seem a devious way to conquer stress, science is on our side.Laughing is infectious and makes you happy!Laughing also encourages blood circulation.37. Talk to a friendIf something is really bothering you, it can help if you share your feelings with a friend.In fact, talkative people tend to be happier. So don’t hesitate to get it off your chest!38. Start planning your holidaysCrashing waves, hot sand, a soft breeze caressing your hair…Holidays always have a positive effect on our mood. So where are you g oing?The Importance of De-StressingRelaxing is important for your mental health and well-being. Everyone needs some time in their daily life to relax and have fun.People who are capable of relaxing are more susceptible to bouncing back after difficult periods.They tend to be happier, or at least express positive ideas.Beyond the question of well-being, these techniques also help you sleep better, reduce stress at work and learn to let go!The idea is to re-centre yourself with relaxation exercises and quick relaxation tips. Taking yoga classes is an excellent way to de-stress.To empty your head:Take a nice, hot bathClean your house or your living space. It’s very difficult to relax in a disorderly house.Read a book or an article that makes you think. Read about a leader you find inspiring.Stop what you are doing. Take a few deep breaths.Don’t think about work.Be confident! Don’t give up. Keep up with your relaxation techniques.Listen to music that isn’t too loud or even bette r, classical music.Download some e-books on relaxation.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Private Tuition Frequently Asked Questions for Students

Private Tuition Frequently Asked Questions for Students Everything You Need To Know To Find a Home tutor! ChaptersHow and Where can I take Private Tuition outside of school? Can Private Tutoring Guarantee Long-term Success?  Is Tutoring Worth the Money?Why is Tutoring so expensive?Keeping your Child safe during Home TuitionPrivate tutoring in the UK is on the rise, becoming more and more popular with students and parents, and a more inviting career prospect too.But is home tuition the right choice for you? Does it put too much pressure on your child alongside their school life? Is it worth the money?When thinking about hiring a tutor for yourself or your child, there are all sorts of questions to ask and rumours to dispel.Asking the right questions will get you on the right track. Source: VisualhuntIt’s not always easy knowing where to find a decent tutor. There are so many factors to consider, from finding something that works for you, to finding prices that you can get on board with.This guide will address all of the main queries that students and parents generally have when embarkin g upon private tutoring, including:How and where can I take private lessons outside of school?Are private tutorials a long-term solution?Does private tutoring guarantee long-term success?Is tutoring worth the money?Why is tutoring so expensive?All of these questions are asked frequently, and asking them will help you make the right decisions when it comes to starting the search for a personal tutor and how to go about hiring one and organising your tuition schedule.It is becoming more and more common for parents to hire private tutors for their children â€" sometimes for multiple subjects too. So we can see that people are willing to put the money in and invest in their child’s education, now more than ever before.This says quite a lot about the national education system in the UK. The demand for tutors is at an all-time high, and students are becoming more aware that they have potential that is not always being fulfilled in the classroom.It is only natural, then, that parents and students are seeking home tuition in order to fill in the gaps that national education doesn’t seem to be tending to. It could be as simple as a child falling behind in maths and struggling to catch up again, or just a general lack of support in a tricky subject.With classrooms becoming more heavily populated, and teachers having more to manage in their job roles, it's nearly impossible for each child to receive the individual care and attention they need in order to get the best grades possible.This is exactly why school children, particularly of secondary school age, are struggling to keep up if they fall behind, and feel they need extra help outside of school with GCSE or  A level tutors in order to thrive, and sometimes just to tread water.For some people, tutoring is a short-term solution to simply pass an exam or complete a piece of coursework. But for many, it is about cultivating skills and building up knowledge that will have long-term, positive effects.Students ideally need a long-term solution to their academic struggles, and with subjects they find particularly challenging. For many pupils of younger ages, these are subjects that they have to continue with for a few more years, so the goal of private tutoring is usually not just a short-term fix, but an investment in a student's future.have proof of background checks  as a self-employed tutor.Most parents will want a tutor who already has some experience of working with young and vulnerable people, and the ability to prove this too.  You could ask the tutor for the contact details of a current or former parent or student if you would like to find out more about their teaching or to answer any specific questions you might have about the tutor.Remember that there is a solution to your academic queries, and finding a great tutor isn't impossible if you feel as though it's something you need but can't really afford.From considering where to take tutoring classes and the health and safety risks invol ved, to outlining goals and prices, you need to create a clear image in your head of what you want in a professional tutoring relationship, and what you want to achieve.Find tutors on Superprof from Edinburgh to  Bristol tutors.

A Guide to Marathons Around the World

A Guide to Marathons Around the World Making a Holiday of Your Marathon: All You Need to Know about Where to Go! ChaptersBerlin Marathon, GermanyMidnight Sun Marathon, NorwayHonolulu Marathon, USAParis Marathon, FranceTokyo Marathon, JapanLondon Marathon, UKRome Marathon, ItalyPrague Marathon, Czech RepublicNew York City Marathon, USAPatagonian International Marathon, ChileGreat Wall Marathon, ChinaIt takes a lot of courage and determination to even register to run 26.2 miles, let alone actually cross the finish line!Signing up to run a marathon isn’t just about paying an entry fee and receiving a bib for race day, it’s the first step on a long journey towards the finish line. During your marathon training journey, you will come to learn a lot about your physical and emotional self, as well as becoming physically and mentally more resilient as you learn to cope with longer distances.For many, training for and completing a marathon marks a period of change in lifestyle and even mindset. It’s a major event in many people’s lives that can be remembered with a sense of pride and achievement .So, once you’ve decided to embark on this journey of a lifetime, the next question is ‘where?’.You might be comfortable running your race on home turf, where your family and friends can come to cheer you across the finish line, but why not make a holiday of it?Lots of regular marathoners incorporate their passion for distance running into their travels and sign up to marathons across the globe so that they can take in the sights and experience the culture of the land in which they will be running in the days before the race.If you’re a culture vulture seeking inspiration for your next marathon, or you’re curious to know about what each event has to offer, read on to learn more about marathons around the world!Get to know the quirks of this fascinating city ¦ source: Pixabay - 1552036From the start line, the marathon course takes runners through Prague’s most historic squares, and runners can enjoy plenty of fantastic views along the way. However, like Rome, the streets of Prague have been built with cobbles â€" so be careful if you want to avoid injuries!One great selling point of this race is the elevation: the course is almost completely flat, making it perfect for any first-time marathoner, beginners, and other runners going for a personal best.Start training and find the best personal trainer near you.New York City Marathon, USAAt almost 50 years old, the New York City marathon is one of the oldest marathon events today. As the site which has been much sporting history being made, running the NYC marathon gives athletes the opportunity to be a part of one of the most well-known running events in the world.The NYC Marathon finish line sees over 50,000 runners cross it every year, making this running event the largest marathon in the world.The course for this race passes through every major area of the city, including Brooklyn and Manhattan. As it is centred around the river, the course takes participants on a scenic tour of what New York City has to offer.Patagonian International Marathon, ChileTaking place in Chilean Patagonia, the Patagonian International Marathon is for anyone who wants to run the marathon of a lifetime. As a participant, this truly unique course will show you just what it’s like to fall in love with your surroundings as you run through the tranquil hills.But be warned â€" this race isn’t appropriate for first-time runners nor the faint-hearted. It should come as no surprise that the elevation profile for this course shows an undulating course which takes participants part-way up mountains for their race.You could also find an online personal trainer.Great Wall Marathon, ChinaFamously one of the world’s most difficult marathon courses, if not the most difficult, the Great Wall Marathon course is 26.2 miles of 20,000 stone steps of varying heights, uneven surfaces and even rubble. The course’s elevation gin is 200m, however, the constant up and down of the steps means that runners must be aware of the terrain underfoot and incorporate plenty of steps into their marathon training plan in order to prepare their bodies for the challenge.Get help from a personal trainer to get you ready for a marathon.

Get Creative Get Inspired Fingerstyle Guitar Video

Get Creative Get Inspired Fingerstyle Guitar Video Suzy S. In the age of YouTube, its so easy to find impressive and inspiring videos by artists and musicians. Some artists include visual effects or trick camera work. Others, like fingerstyle guitar player Andy McKee, simply sit in a room and show off pure, raw talent. The video was originally posted back in 2006 an oldie but a goodie and is the perfect example of how sometimes, bending the rules of guitar playing is a great idea. And with that kind of talent, you can make an impression even without other instruments backing you up. McKee has continued on to release six studio albums, create tablature books, and work with artists like Josh Groban and Lee Ritenour. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher You might also like Videos We Love: Man With No Hands Plays Guitar Watch Now: How to Tune a Guitar Guitar Exercises: Building Finger Strength

Customizing the Tutoring Experience An Example Approach

Customizing the Tutoring Experience An Example Approach Improving Academic Performance Guiding students to a deeper mastery of mathematics, science, or language arts skills is a daunting challenge, since no two students are completely alike and instruction must, therefore, be individualized. However, “the wheel need not be entirely reinvented” for each student: after a diagnostic assessment has been administered, it is possible to view the individual student as aligning with one or another of several basic groups (or demonstrating a need for targeted instruction in multiple areas at once) I work primarily with language arts students, so this article is geared towards that subject. But a similar approach can likely be applied to most other subjects. Different tutors may think of these groups in different terms, depending on the weight they assign to such factors as standardized test scores, grade point averages, the perceived difficulty levels of the schools attended, and so forth. Since I tend to work with high-capacity students accustomed to challenging courses in excellent schools â€" supported by parents for whom college expectations are a driving factor â€" I tend to focus on these clusters: Students whose reading comprehension is impaired. Vocabulary is a root cause, as with a student immersed in a different “first language” before English or someone who has difficulty hearing the “tone” of a reading passage. I have encountered the former most often with teens who, although brought to the U.S. very young or even born here, were basically raised by extended family members (until Kindergarten) as their white-collar parents established professional careers. Such a student may have received limited exposure before age five to English words, especially to the proliferation of prefixes, suffixes, and roots with which we construct words in English. Those whose use of grammar is inconsistent. Since English is a very inconsistent language, this is understandable though regrettable. One has only to look at “families of verbs” to see the problem: irregular verbs (ranging from is and are to catch and caught), for example, or the dizzying variety of phrasal verbs which each demand a specific preposition and no other (you can gaze at something but you cannot gaze to it). Again, the second language learner may well be especially encumbered, but plenty of “cradle English speakers” have similar difficulties. Those who cannot write well. This is an “equal opportunity” deficit which cuts across all strata of students, since it becomes an exercise in logic (thesis, proofs, conclusion), the ability to sequence sentences into paragraphs, and a knack for turning paragraphs into a coherent document (all while keeping the reader engaged). For such students, the college admissions process can be a nightmare: the schools to which bright students want to go demand proof of refined writing abilities via the essay-writing sections of the SAT and ACT (whether technically “optional” or not) and admissions application essays (whether mandated on the Common App or a school’s proprietary application). For better or worse, standardized testing shapes our collective view of Language Arts proficiency. For example, public speaking â€" since not tested on such exams â€" is not something in which I am asked to tutor students except at the graduate school level. Generally speaking, the three “deficit area groups” defined above create a hierarchy: trouble with vocabulary is a bedrock problem, while grammar issues range from the fundamental to the exotic (“Can you end a sentence with a preposition?”) and writing problems anchor the high end of the cognitive scale. Tutoring can make a huge difference, no matter with what group (or with which groups simultaneously) the student can be associated. For example, it is possible to zero in on the exactly vocabulary into which the individual needs to immersed: you can tell a lot by his/her relative performance when presented with passages ranging from fiction (full of nuances and inferences) to physical science (more heavily loaded with “high concept” words and cause-and-effect relationships). Likewise, it is possible to zero in on the level of grammar which needs urgent attention, whether it is using commas or using semicolons, becoming well-grounded in verb tenses or introducing dependent clauses, or getting the knack of using pronouns or parallel sentence structure correctly. Solid vocabulary and grammar skills converge in good writing, where sentence variety, smooth transitions, interesting contrasts and comparisons, and “building a case” for a particular point of view all meld. Here, too, a baseline assessment allows us to tap accumulated wisdom about “where to begin” â€" usually with the need for the writer to make his/her thesis completely clear before layering on facts, figures, and quotes. The job of the Language Arts tutor, then, is to have enough accumulated experience to see students in the broad context of written communications â€" without losing sight of them as individuals. Every student is “going somewhere,” and our job is to help them get there with as much confidence as they can muster. For the individual student, that means knowing the right word, knowing the correct grammar, and being able to write without dreading it. All of these are achievable with practice and patience. Paul Foxworth, Blogger at